I started my birthday very early this morning. Woke up at 3 am. I did a radio show spot. I spent about an hour playing my music (both live and on CD), and discussing my songs and influences. As I sat there at 5 am with the headphones on, I thought to myself how lucky I am. I mean, believe me, not everything in my life is perfect or even close to where I'd want it to be, but to start my 42nd birthday surrounded by friends, those I'm close to and understand and accept me for who I am, to be there with my Gibson acoustic guitar and harmonica around my neck, sharing my music over the airwaves... yep, I'm a lucky man. This music, these sounds I hear in my head, it's all so much a part of who I am. To have the opportunity to share that, discuss it, enjoy it, and all on my birthday, well, it's a moment I'll never forget. What a great way to start my day. Thanks to my radio host, Ryan, for his time and discussion, thanks to my buddy Joe (J-Ride!!!) for hooking it up and being there with me, and a special thanks to Karen, for her understanding, time, and energy. She kept me focused and aware, as always, giving me purpose and clarity. Thanks for getting my 42nd off to such a wonderful start. By the way, you can hear a copy of the show. Just google WMNF Radio in Tampa, Florida (88.5 FM). Take care. Later, Butch
Monday, November 27, 2006
Thursday, November 16, 2006
When I was in first grade I would always wish that the water fountains at my school dished out Hawaiian Punch Red rather than water. I would day dream the day away imagining how wonderful that would be. Cool tasty Hawaiian Punch Red (also known to me as "nector of the gods") waiting in the pipes as I came in hot and thirsty from a wicked game of kickball. Once, as a teenager, I woke up with bad cottonmouth after a night of beers. I remembered through a headache that there was some cold Hawaiian Punch Red in the frig. Paydirt! I'll never forget how good that felt. I sometimes still catch myself thinking that as I approach a water fountain as an adult. And I still think it would be the cat's meow if "the Red" flowed from it's spicket. God bless the Hawaiians who make that great red fruity punch. Lord knows they've made a difference in my life. Take care. Later, Butch
Monday, November 06, 2006
Numbers. They surround our lives. At every turn there's numbers. Yet, I'm not a numbers guy. After all, I've got a degree in English and was awful in math. Still, numbers loom everywhere. I've got 3 weeks, or 21 days, till 42. Actually, not much difference between 41 and 42. Fifty is still a ways off. But with 42 I realize: I beat Jesus by 9 years, Jim Morrison by 15. I've been out of high school for almost 25, college 20. Numbers. I hope the older one gets the less they really mean. And I really hope that once you get older older, they mean very little. I hope that the years passed, once you've reached silverdom, have actually been a wonderous thing as they have led you to some understanding, and eventually, happiness and contentment. I think they do, if only because of all the experiences lived throughout all those years. Yeah, that's how I'll deal with another birthday, with "numbers". We're like wine: we get better with age. (There's probably some 20-something reading this thinking, "damn, this guy's old". Just remember kid, you'll be here one day, though I know that's hard to believe right now.) Anyway, remember there's 24 hours each day, 60 minutes in each of those hours. Enjoy, they're only numbers. Take care. Later, Butch