Sorry there was no blog yesterday. When I started writing this 10 months ago my goal was to blog everyday. That was tough, not only in finding what to write about, but in finding time to put my thoughts together and then actually writing them down. I decided I would go to a Monday through Friday schedule. At first it went fine. Then as the year ended and my band life became frazzled then focused and hectic, it became tougher time-wise, thought-wise, and even emotionally to put out the kind of consistant blog I feel is worthy of asking people to take time out of their busy day to read. When I use the word emotion I mean my goal is to really communicate a feeling within the blog. It's like writing a song. If you're going to ask folks to read or listen, it better be the best that you can do. It's got to feel, and feel right and real. Now I know that I don't always hit a home run, but my goal is to really share something worthwhile, whether it's serious, thought provoking, funny, informative, etc., etc. If I can shed some light into what it's like to be doing what I do, then my goal has been reached. Anyhow, what all this means is that I will blog when I feel I have something to offer. I will no longer keep an exact schedule. I won't blog just to blog. Besides the band life, my personal life is complex, busy, and as tricky as anyone else's. To those who read frequently, thank you, and don't worry. Anyone who knows me knows I've always got something to say. I appreciate the support. Keep checking the site daily. You never know what's going to happen in Butch World. God knows I don't. Take care. Later, Butch
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