While I hope all who read my blog enjoy it, today I'm writing directly to one person. A few blogs back I described England as a wet and cold land. I was generalizing, true, but I meant no harm. The two times I've been there it's been wet and cold so therefore, in my mind, it's a wet and cold place. I wasn't bashing it for being wet and cold, simply describing it as I've seen it. I know it can be sunny, and even in the cold wet, it's a beautiful country that I really do like. I enjoy it's traditions and people, honestly. I'm even starting to get their whole "tea" madness thing. Anyway, I just checked the weather forecast for when we get there: high's in the mid 40's, lows in the upper 30's. That means "cold" to a Florida boy. Rain showers EVERY day. That means "wet" to everyone, even the fish. What can I say? BB, I love your homeland, I really do, but it's cold and wet there. No biggie. I will drink hot tea (with milk!!!!!), have a pint or two, wear my Cubs cap in the rain so that everyone knows I'm an idiot Yank (at least I won't wear the wrong soccer team, uh, I mean football, stuff in the wrong town and get my American baseball ass kicked), and enjoy the wonder that is the UK. It's awesome. I just wanted to explain why to me it's a wet and cold land. Wet and cold weatherwise, but very warm emotionally. Thank you. I can't wait to get there. Hello England. This is Butch, you know, Butch Ryan, your adopted son (as I stated at the St. Helens gig a year ago). I just called to say I love you. And P.S., Liverpool is the best of the best. I'm Butch Ryan from the U-S-A, and you must be the U-K!!!! (A stolen greeting from Spinal Tap, custom fitted for Butchie.) Take care. Later, Butch
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