I had about two and a half hours sleep but that's ok. I got stuff done, which is a good thing. Took care of the personal (paid bills, filed taxes, etc.) and the band (changed strings, packed my gear, got the master for the comp CD). By the time I get back, March will be just about over. Now that's not a bad thing, it means baseball season is ready to get going. I'm just mentioning it because I have this panic about me. I don't want to forget something and then come back to a headache. I've got lists all over the place. Other than that, all is great. Got a new pair of Chucks for the road trip. Guess it's not really a road trip, is it? Nothing like a new pair of Chucks. That's a feeling I'll never out grow. Well, not much else. Nothing too interesting here. Tomorrow will probably be even weaker, but that would be a good thing. A few days of simple nothing would be nice. The next two weeks will be filled with planes and trains, and me saying, "excuse me?" like a dumbass because I can't pick up on accents (are they really speaking English?). Yeah, a few days of nada would be nice. Take care. Later, Butch
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