Today is my 99th entry. One more and I've hit the century mark. Who would've thunk it? An English major with a gift for gab reaching 100 blog entries, nah. Speaking of 99, remember 99 in "Get Smart"? (Yep, not much today.) She was a hottie. Barbara Felton. Que bella. She wore those black spy turtle neck sweaters... ummmm. Two things here: one, you'll never see me in a turtle neck (a few folks close to the band are laughing right now), and two, listen to a song I wrote called "Driving to Canada" and you'll know how I feel about women in sweaters. Man, I just melt. And then 99 had that Monica Lewinsky hair style, which looked great back in the 60's to begin with, but looks even better now because it brings with it images of Monica and "happy endings". Yeah, Barbie Felton, baby. Mysterious... naughty... randy. That's what I see in my mind's eye when I hear "99". Not some fat spoiled football player who tried to get crazy with Mikie D. of your Robinson Knights (a lot of inside references today. Sorry.) There was even a song written in the 80's about her. I think it was from the band Toto. Some internet junkie should send me an email to confirm this. What? Please. Face it, if you've got time to read my blogs, you've got time to look it up. If not I'll ask The Jeff Wood, my drummer friend. He's a walking music trivia encyclopaedia (alternate spelling). Anywho, today was just the pre-show to tomorrow's extravaganza that is my 100th blog entry. Maybe something cool will happen today so I can blog about that and not bullshit my way through another entry? One can only hope. Take care. Later, Butch
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