Last night I said good bye to T.P. A good book will do that. Let me explain. Last night I finished reading a great book, "Conversations with Tom Petty". It's a series of interviews done over a year and a half, then compilied chronologically into two parts: Petty's life and music, album by album. If you're a Petty fan, a musician/songwriter, or both, it's heaven. It was like hangin' with T.P. 'cause it was all in his own words. I felt like he was sitting across the living room from me, telling me his life story, and explaining what went into his thought process in writing all those great songs I love and have played myself many many times. It was an amazing read, a killer experience. And so now I'm sad. I'm gonna miss T.P., and "our" conversations. A good book'll do that. It's better than television kids. Honest. Have a great weekend. I will. Jammin' with the guys on Sunday. I'm really looking forward to that. Playing in a band still really gets me goin'.Take care. Later, Butch
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