For those who have spent any time with me, you know I have a bit of a wacky sense of humor. If you've ever wondered why, here it is: my mom has been staying with me while she waits for an opening at her building. She was living with my brother in Texas but decided to come back to Florida. Zany isn't the word. Yesterday I had the pleasure of hearing about her dream the night before. She was telling me how her big toe on her right foot was killing her. The reason was that while she was dreaming, she kicked the foot board of her bed. As she explained it, in the dream she was walking around a mall in her nightgown. She had just showered and was bra-less. Suddenly, a "dirty old man" tried to cop a feel, grab a boob, so she proceeded to shoe him in the nuts, kicking, in reality, the foot board, and therefore ,waking up at the pain in her big toe. Wacky. I asked her if she landed the kick before waking up. "Oh, yes", she smiled, "I got that son of a bitch." My mom is the best. Take care. Later, Butch
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