One of the best things about road trips are the "interesting" people you meet. Saturday in Atlanta was no exception. Harold bought everything and anything we had to sell before we even sound checked. Then we went to the men's room and changed into his new t-shirt. Wow, what a lover of original music, huh? He cornered our manager and rambled on and on about all sorts of things including his management of Latin bands. It was all pure manic nonsense. I helped her escape with a fake request for help with band business. Five minutes before we hit the stage he was in the men's room again. This time he was yelling at his left shoe. "What am I gonna do with you?", he barked, "there you go untying yourself again. Get over here!" He hadn't noticed I was in there. I got out as fast as I could. During our 90 minute set, he cheered every song. Afterwards, while I was breaking down my gear, he came on stage and knelt in front of me in praise. He beamed like a child on Christmas morning. "Is that a real Fender Telecaster? Oh my god, I've never seen one up close." His odd ramblings continued and included that he was a roadie for U2, and that Bono had given him 5 guitars as gifts. Whatever. Later, at the hotel, Jay told me about his encounter with Harold. Other than our last song and "one in the middle", Harold thought we sucked. Go figure. Yep, life on the road can be interesting. Take care. Later, Butch
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