So many ways to describe yesterday: stressful, determined, busy, fulfilling, consuming, useful, light at the end of the tunnel. While the city of Chicago celebrated on the wrong side of town (sorry, I'm a Cubs man), I too felt somewhat victorious. I think the homeless-sexual period of my life may be ending as a house may have actually been found. First we didn't have the house, then something fell through and we got the house... at least for now. Minutes later, I got the vocals down for two songs I want done before we showcase in Jacksonville next month, and I proved to myself that I can cope and accomplish things even when I'm feeling totally stressed out. I slept solid again last night. It was a good day for me. It was a day of personal growth and understanding. I'm very satisfied with yesterday. It makes me look forward to today. Who knows what today will bring? Whatever it is, I'll cope (at least that's the attitude I'm taking). Sometimes I feel like Anne Frank writing in my "diary". This blog thing is very therapeutic. You should try it. I'm glad I did. Congrats Chisox fans. Maybe next year... Take care. Later, Butch
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