Secret societies, what's the deal? Every once in a while, when I have 30 minutes to spare, I might watch The History Channel. I recently saw an episode that dealt with these "societies". It got me thinking. Skull and Bones, Masons, they've shaped our country, even landing in the White House. I don't get it. It's seems like cheating. A demonic good ol' boy system. Why demonic? I'm not sure, but during the tv show, they played scary music in the background and showed blurry images of scary masks worn at midnight meetings. Talk of rituals always scare me. And what's the deal with that pyramid with the eye on the back of a dollar? Freaky shit, dude. I had an uncle and a cousin who were Masons. I guess it's in the genes 'cause back in high school I was in a secret society: Knights of the Scrotum Wrinkle. We produced a business owner, a lawyer, engineers, a Federal agent, teachers, and a singer in a band. Who would a thunk it? K of the S W didn't do much else except drink beer and try to get laid. I guess our aspirations were a bit lower than Skull and Bones... but I bet we had more fun. (Maybe not. W looks like the kind of guy who had a blast in college.) Enough on this, it's freaking me out. Long live The Knights of the Scrotum Wrinkle! Take care. Later, Butch
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