The machine keeps ticking. It's well oiled, it's gears continuously moving. At times, a wrench might be thrown in, but it's then repaired, and soon continues it's operation. Such is G. Cool (officially now known as Butch Ryan and Groovy Cool). With Monday being an anxiety filled cluster f**k (I think I may have underage readers; gotta do the right thing for the kids), Tuesday rolled in with dates starting to crysalize for a March '06 return UK tour. Nashville booking got you down? Don't worry, London and Southhampton are coming to view. What a crazy business this whole band thing is. I'm glad I'm the guy who writes the songs and not the business and promotions manager. In my brain, a middle eight with a minor third or sixth makes much more sense then accommodations and transportation from Bolton, UK to St. Helens, UK (yeah, we play ALL the big towns). But that's the well oiled machine. Each little part carrying it's own load equals an engine of forward progress. I play my part and trust in others to do their part, and they do, we do. Hence, the well oiled machine. Remeber Bill Murray's "Bob"? Baby steps, baby steps. I'm realizing the past few blogs have been chalked full of "Butch Zen". I must be preparing myself for something, getting my "blinders on". But for what? It's business as usual at the G. Cool store (not to be confused with The Butch Store, which is open at all gigs for your merchandise needs; also available at this site under "Merch". It's never too early to start your Holiday shopping, whatever that holiday may be). Although I will admit business is at a hectic pace, which is good, maybe I'm just getting more focused? Maybe I'm just a jackass? Who knows? Who cares? I do. Thanks for listening. Take care. Later, Butch
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