Well today my head is spinning, my mind filled with so many numbers and dates. No time to worry about Jen and Oprah, or even Gilligan. It's business mode. To say the band is busy, or has things "in the works" would be an understatement. As you achieve, more is needed to keep moving forward. More time, energy, money, etc. Such are the thoughts in my head this morning. Now, don't get me wrong, this is good. It means the band is pressing forward, not content with being an Ybor City fixture. The leap has taken place, and now one must do and deal with what happens once the leap has been made. As in everything, there is good and easy, and there is hard and long. The main thing is to stay focused, and in doing so, stay positive. It's not taking yourself too seriously, it's just expecting more, both from yourself and the situation. 2006 is going to be different than any other year for us as a band. We've been busy before, but I have a feeling this will be busy like we've never known. 2005 is going out in a roar. I expect 2006 will have us visiting places we never thought of, and working harder than we ever thought we could. I'm focused and ready. It's time "to give this game a ride", as John Fogerty said in "Center Field". "Put me in , coach, I'm ready to play". Take care. Later, Butch
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