The water is still working it's magic on my cold. Only problem now is that I'm peeing every 15 minutes. It's always something, but I guess something is better than nothing. Case in point: last night's gig was a bit slow people-wise. Guess the gas armagedon has folks shaky. Anyway, a group of desperate housewives are celebrating a birthday. They're drinking, dancing, mixing in shots every so often. A buddy of the band's, from Spies and Parsons, sits in to sing the Stones' "Dead Flowers". I see this as a chance to table dance for the housewives. I'm up on the table strumming my Telecaster, shaking the junk, doing what it takes to get the place going (and make a little gas money). Song's done, I'm done and, hey, nothing to show for it other than they did have a good time taking pictures of my ass with their cell phones. I'm thinking (as Bill Murray's Carl did in "Caddy Shack") how 'bout a little somethin', you know, for the effort? Now as I stated earlier, something is better than nothing. One of the desperate housewives comes up to the stage during the next song and stuffs a dollar in my crotch. Not a fortune, but a third of a gallon of gas. Remember, something is always better than nothing. Take care. Later, Butch
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