So Jennifer Aniston told Oprah she's ready to move on, and the Nelson twins turn 38. Wow, what an exciting time to be alive. Things are what you make them. I hate Oprah. I think she talks down to her audience, and they still flock to her like blind sheep. I can't really feel bad for Jen. Why do you make your personal life everybody's business? Leave that to that kooky (that's right, with a "k") Tom Cruise. Let him jump up and down on a sofa, let him argue with people on TV, let Mr. Risky Business run his junk business in the tabs, but not you, Jen. You were a "friend". I refuse to discuss the two blond whimpy rockers. Sorry to all Nelson fans, but as I stated during the Lightning's Stanley Cup run, "Enough's enough". Things are what you make them. I won't watch Dr. Phil or American Idol, I'm happy gas prices are going down, I'm sad but accepting that the Cubs had another crappy season, and I miss Gilligan. (I think another Christmas "List" is coming on. By the way, our Christmas CD, "A GROOVY Christmas and a COOL New Year" is available for purchase on this site, and does include the song, "The List". You can never start Holiday shopping too early.) Yes, I am cranky. Yes, I am tired. Yes, I will get over it. Until then, remember, things are what you make them. And I will make them sunshine, not clouds; birds, not mosquitoes; ice cream, not gruel. So... HAPPY BIRTHDAY NELSON TWINS!!! Take care. Later, Butch
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