Tuesday, September 20, 2005

So Jennifer Aniston told Oprah she's ready to move on, and the Nelson twins turn 38. Wow, what an exciting time to be alive. Things are what you make them. I hate Oprah. I think she talks down to her audience, and they still flock to her like blind sheep. I can't really feel bad for Jen. Why do you make your personal life everybody's business? Leave that to that kooky (that's right, with a "k") Tom Cruise. Let him jump up and down on a sofa, let him argue with people on TV, let Mr. Risky Business run his junk business in the tabs, but not you, Jen. You were a "friend". I refuse to discuss the two blond whimpy rockers. Sorry to all Nelson fans, but as I stated during the Lightning's Stanley Cup run, "Enough's enough". Things are what you make them. I won't watch Dr. Phil or American Idol, I'm happy gas prices are going down, I'm sad but accepting that the Cubs had another crappy season, and I miss Gilligan. (I think another Christmas "List" is coming on. By the way, our Christmas CD, "A GROOVY Christmas and a COOL New Year" is available for purchase on this site, and does include the song, "The List". You can never start Holiday shopping too early.) Yes, I am cranky. Yes, I am tired. Yes, I will get over it. Until then, remember, things are what you make them. And I will make them sunshine, not clouds; birds, not mosquitoes; ice cream, not gruel. So... HAPPY BIRTHDAY NELSON TWINS!!! Take care. Later, Butch