Not much going on these days in band camp. Being from Florida, however, I realize it's the calm before the storm. We'll do 4 shows in 3 days starting on the 16th of this month (see website "shows" list for details), then head back out to St. Augustine the following week before coming home for 3 plus hours of sleep and then heading into the studio to finally get this next CD going. October has us all around the Sunshine State, while November has us road tripping it towards the Midwest again. In between, Hurricane Relief gigs (possibly even going out to Louisianna). Yeah, like I said , the calm before the storm. I guess we all find ways to motivate ourselves. Whether it's simply the gigs, the music, the friendship, the road, or in one person's case (JAY) the thought of endless sausage in butter, with some sausage thrown in to add to the taste. Yup, this rock and roll thing is glamorous. Then again, I'm not sure what I'd do with myself if I wasn't giging, recording, generally having a guitar around my neck. I can't complain, it's what I do, who I am. Like I've said before, I keep Warren Zevon in mind, "enjoy every sandwich". You never know when the day will come where you'll be forced to only eat soup. Take care. Later, Butch
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